It’s time to celebrate the most vibrant festival of the year. The air of excitement, the galore of colors, and the liveliness around, the cheerful faces; there is so much to rejoice with the festival of Holi.  Bright colors, loud music, and delicious food add more fun to the celebration. People bond over Holi and forget their sadness and resentment. How much ever you try, you can’t escape without getting colored.  People love to splash colors and douse everyone. We find this fun too, but how about our skin and hair?

Of course, the colors are not tender enough on our skin and hair. But this does not mean that we no longer play Holi. Here are some simple tricks by Dr.Marwah’s Clinic that will make your Holi experience safer for your skin & hair:

Preventive tips before Holi:

  • You can apply a thick layer of a good moisturizer on your face, neck, hands, etc, and coconut oil on your hair. This will help in preventing the color from sinking into deep layers of the skin. 

When colors are mixed with water, they tend to deposit on our skin or penetrate through open pores. 

  • Holi is usually played in the day and therefore you tend to get tanned penetrating our skin and even causing sunburn. A good sunscreen is a solution.
  • The chemicals in the color can damage your hair. So it is best to oil them. Use coconut oil or olive oil and tighten the hair. Turn the ponytail into a bun. Avoid opening your hair, or use a headscarf to protect your hair.

Tips after Holi:

  • Use a good medicated cleansing lotion and scrub your skin gently to remove the stiff color. Only scrubbing will further damage your skin.
  • Use lukewarm water to bathe. Very hot water will dehydrate your skin and can lead to rashes or irritation.
  • A cleansing lotion is the best to remove hard colors. Apply it on your skin and leave it for 3-5 mins, then wash it off with lukewarm water.
  • After taking a shower, don’t miss the opportunity to moisturize your skin and help your skin restore health.
  • Color particles can settle on your hair locks, causing them to damage and open hair can get messed up while playing Holi. So avoid brushing/combing your hair when colored or wet, they may break.

While washing your hair, first rinse it with plenty of water to do away with dry colors. After this use, a mild shampoo if required twice and conditioner, massage your scalp gently with it, and then rinse it off and then apply your preferred serum or oil.