
Face, Neck & Body Toning by PICOWay/Revlite

Treat freckles, sun spots, unwanted pigments, and stubborn signs of aging.

Brown spots on the skin may often be perceived as a sign of aging, like fine lines and wrinkles. Freckles may have been cute when you were a kid, but now these melanin deposits are looking more like the aging remains from too many days lounging in the sun. Freckles, sun spots, liver spots – whatever you call them, they’re technically known as “pigmented lesions’ ‘ and they form when melanin concentrates in one area of the skin, usually as a result of overexposure to the sun’s UV rays. 

The PicoWay laser works below the surface, leaving the outer layer of the skin intact. It can target, the excess melanin in the skin that causes dark spots, and other pigmentations; if treating conditions such as acne scars or wrinkles, it creates tiny spaces in the dermis (the layer just beneath the outer skin) to encourage the production of collagen and elastin.