Breast Enhancement

Breast Enhancement is a procedure that helps increase or restores breast size and lifts saggy breasts through non-surgical and semi-invasive methods like Botox, Fillers and Threads.

Most women desire to have pillowy feminine breasts which are in proportion to the body dimensions and which do not sag. 

These procedures are perfect for those who want a better proportion or make an appealing figure or those who wish their clothes fit better. 

There are many benefits of choosing Breast Enhancement procedures with Dr.Marwah’s clinic. It’s a great way to instill in yourself a sense of confidence in your looks and help yourself to dress for your age. These are all minor OPD procedures and hardly require any recovery period. However, the downtime can be upto 2 weeks in certain cases, with the breasts becoming susceptible to bruising and swelling. Also, gym and other forms of exercises might have to be avoided for the next couple of days. This treatment can be done in any of Dr. Marwah’s clinics located in Bandra, Andheri or Oshiwara. 

The main benefit of these non-surgical methods of breast enhancement is that there is no incisions, no scarring, no time off work, no hospital stay and zero effect on a mammography, which is a common test to detect breast cancer. All this leads to a higher level of self confidence and self esteem, and has a more symmetrical appearance in the breast. It can reverse changes which occur following pregnancy, breastfeeding or weight loss making you feel better and more comfortable with yourself. 

This treatment is performed at our clinic by well experienced Dermatologists and Cosmetologists in India.