Skin Tightening By Thermage

Getting older with age? Or, is your skin sagging too early, before you expect it too? Whatever it is, you are definitely not happy with what your skin is doing to your appearance. But, you would say that it’s a natural process, and you can’t do anything about it, but accept it. Hold on, you may be wrong here! With science making so many advancements, how can you say that it hasn’t done anything to make you look younger? That’s right! Medical science has brought about an innovation in even the way you can look. You can reduce a few years off your skin by a very innovative non-invasive radiofrequency therapy known as Thermage, the most popular skin tightening treatment in Mumbai.

Thermage is a great solution when you want your skin to look sleeker, tighter, smoother, and younger, without keeping you away from your everyday life and responsibilities for longer. It requires no surgery, no injections, and no cuts! It is a simple procedure that requires only some heating equipment and some vibrations.; and requires you to only invest only 30 to 90 minutes of your time, depending upon the area of your body that you are treating. Whether it is for your wrinkles, loose face skin, saggy skin around the eyes, hooding fine lines around the eyes, or any kind of unwanted bulges and dimples in the body, one single quick and comfortable treatment can bring to you outstanding results in no time! And, the results only improve over time, lasting for years together!

You may be wondering how this procedure works with no cuts and no needles or surgery, and yet delivers outstanding and long-lasting results. Before understanding how this procedure works, you need to first understand how our body works. As we age, the collagen that keeps our skin from loosening, breaks down, resulting in loose and saggy skin containing fine lines and wrinkles. Radiofrequency technology is used to heat the deep collagen-rich layers of the skin, which causes the collagen to contract, thus promoting new collagen growth. This helps the skin become smooth and tight in just one treatment! Thus, Thermage can do the wonders on the skin in just one sitting; something that all the sit-ups in the world cannot.

When you undergo such reliable skin tightening treatment in Mumbai at Dr. Marwah’s Clinic, you will be able to observe measurable results gradually in 2-6 months following the treatment, which lasts for years together, depending upon the patient’s skin condition and ageing process. And, this is possible in only a single treatment session! Unlike other cosmetic procedures, you don’t require multiple sessions, as the results seen in a single treatment are obvious, and only improve with time.

However, whether you should undergo a Thermage procedure or not, whether it will suit your body and skin or not, these things should be considered before finalizing to undergo the treatment. You need a consultation with your doctor to help make a wise decision; as at time, Thermage may cause redness, itching, or minor swelling in some patients.