PRP – A Promising New Means To Re-Grow Your Mane

March 06, 2019 By drmarwahadmin In Dermatology
Going bald is a nightmare for men and women of all ages. There was a time when as people grew older, they started losing their hair. But now, time is such that even young girls and boys are starting to lose hair! This seems to be a nightmare for them thinking that they would go bald at a very young ...

What Does Thermage Feel Like?

February 05, 2019 By drmarwahadmin In Laser Treatments
Thermage is the non-invasive skin tightening procedure that helps lift the skin of various areas of the body like face, eyelids, neck, chest, and hands. You can choose for the entire face to be lifted by treating the jaws and cheeks, or you can choose only one part of the face like the forehead, eye...

Skin Tightening By Thermage

January 23, 2019 By drmarwahadmin In Laser Treatments
Getting older with age? Or, is your skin sagging too early, before you expect it too? Whatever it is, you are definitely not happy with what your skin is doing to your appearance. But, you would say that it’s a natural process, and you can't do anything about it, but accept it. Hold on, you may be...